Conservation Update - Sept. 2024

Ollie Payne   Sep 13, 2024


Winter has been quieter on the conservation front, much as it was for diving in general.  

However, despite those considerations, our epic conservation divers still managed to take part in a few clean up dives.

In the last quarter we removed the following from the ocean during our scheduled club events:

  • 720 Northern Pacific Seastars
  • 1566 European Fanworms
  • 85 Mature Undaria Sporophylls
  • 30kg+ assorted trash
  • 500m+ of discarded fishing line

We’ve also started a new partnership with Earthcare St Kilda and their NPS removal team.  The first of their monthly events we joined was on 17th August, and we’ll be joining them ever month moving forwards, and it was a great success.

Working alongside their shore and snorkeler teams, 12 divers took to the waters off Mentone LSC, and together we all managed to remove approx. 15,000 NPS from the water, their largest haul yet.  We will be back in the water with them again on 21st September, when they aim to reach 100,000 NPA removed for 2024.

Coming up soon we also have the Great Victorian Fish Count, and the Spring Sea Slug Census, for VNPA, both of which will be incorporated into our club dives and complemented by our conservation courses.
