New Course Offerings - Winter 2024

Ollie Payne   Jun 07, 2024


In between running the store, building new websites and generally being awesome, our staff also spend a fair amount of time doing training and upskilling for themselves. 

As a result, we now have some new course offerings for our customers:

  • Adaptive Support Diver – this course will interest divers who want to learn how to support dive buddies with physical or mental challenges.
  • Adaptive Techniques – this pro-level course provides PADI Professionals with practical techniques and approaches proven to be effective when teaching and assisting divers with physical or mental challenges.
  • Sea Slug Awareness – continuing with his marine life education and conservation courses, Ollie’s latest offering is centred around Nudibranchs and other sea slugs.  Learn about types of Sea Slug, their lifecycles, their importance to the ecosystem, and how to identify different species.  There is both a Diver and a non-Diver version of this certification.
  • Syngnathid Awareness – by request, a new, non-diver version of this certification has been developed.
  • Invasive Species Management - by request, a new, non-diver version of this certification has been developed.

In addition, the following courses are forthcoming, and we would appreciate people registering their interest so that we can reach out to schedule them in once they have passed final approval:

  • Cephalopod Awareness – focusing on Octopus, Cuttlefish, Squid and Nautilus, this course is a look at some of the most enigmatic and fascinating marine creatures on the planet.  You will learn about the creatures’ lifecyles, unique features, and delve a bit into some of the more bizarre sides of their lives, as well as learning how & where to find them on your local dives and the best ways to interact with them for their benefit.
  • Survey Diver – with the club and dive centre’s growing interest in Conservation Activities, surveys have become a bigger and bigger part of the club calendar.  However, to date, they have been basic so this course has been developed to teach the skills to produce proper, scientific results, which can be better utilised to forward research and conservation efforts.
