Website Launch

Ollie Payne   Jun 07, 2024


We are pleased to announce that our new website has now gone live and is online for you to look at.  This has been a soft launch, as we are fully aware that there are still lots of bits to do to make the website truly excellent, however the main structure is now in place, and perhaps most exciting is that the booking systems now fully integrate with our in-house systems, and the online store is once again ready for you to shop from the comfort of your own couch!

Please be patient with us whilst we undertake the drudgery of adding all the products we sell to the online store, but rest assured we are working as fast as we can.

Club members will soon receive their website logins, and upon receipt they will be able to book themselves on to upcoming events and club dives at the club member prices (free!).

If you come across an error in the website, we would be most grateful if you could bring it to our attention so we can fix it ASAP, thank you.

In the meantime, big thanks to Jack, John, Yusuf, Corey and the rest of the Aquaholics’ Illuminati for all their work getting the website up and running – you guys rock!
