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Jack Holihan

Jack Holihan

Depicted here in the moments before breaking a Guinness World Record, Jack is the heart and soul, and website administrator, of this company. He has made innumerable contributions to this brand, because he is far more dedicated to training than he is to arithmetic. The bar is so high, it would take a rock climber to reach. Jack is also a qualified rock climbing guide. O Captain, my Captain. While Jack is often busy contributing to the successes of this company, I expect I will be urgently busy rewriting this once the boss finds it. I won't tell if you won't. 


[Dont' worry Jack, he's seen it.  It's 95% true - you forgot to mention that you're also a well travelled, experienced scuba instructor, who has taught in different markets around the world.  Oh and that you also have 90% of a stand-up comedy show written in your head - finish the other 10% and he may even let you keep this profile ;) ]
